Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Beach!

Yes, Norway is known for being one of the coldest, or maybe the coldest, country in the world. They are famous for snow and skiing. But, where online in Norway is called Sandefjord and has the nickname of Sommerfjord which translate to Summerfjord. It is the place with the nicest weather in all of Norway. So as you can imagine it is actually kind of w and nice to go swimming. The water is cd, because if you think about it, the water was just frozen over about 2 months ago. But on Thursday I did go swimming in the fjord.
Thursday was the last day of school and they just had a little concert and a few people gave speeches. It was nice, but also sad. That was the last time I will ever  go to school in Sandefjord. 
We were done by 11 am. So I biked to the beach with my friends and went swimming. I am trying to think of a word to explain it, but all I can think of is in Norwegian, and there is really no English translation for it. Det var deilig!
Katinka was tired and decided to take a nap

Lahelle Beach

Me and Ingvil swimming

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