Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One with Nature

Now that I have been in Norway and the weather is now fantastic I am outside all the time. Also, what is good about Norway is if you walk five minutes in any direction you can find a peaceful path through the forest to go in. I find it very relaxing to walk along a little path through the woods and be in the fresh air, that is one thing that I will really miss when I travel back to Los Angeles. In the past three days I have gone on 2 bike rides in the woods with a friend (both about 10 kilometers), running by the fjord with my dog, and on a walk in the woods with one of my friends.
I love it, and the weather has been super nice, it has been between 18 and 27 degrees Celsius (64-80 degrees Fahrenheit) for the past week and a half. I didn't realize how much I missed the heat. When I lived in LA and it ranged from 13-28 degrees Celsius (55-80 degrees Fahrenheit) the whole year, I really didn't enjoy that the weather was so predictable and boring. But now it almost sounds like a dream that I lived in a place where I didn't need to check the weather everyday and be concerned which type of jacket I needed for which type of weather. I am sure in a year I will hate it again, but now it sounds a little surreal.

My hidden chocolate

Yoga in the middle of nowhere. 

Solveig taking a picture

Solvieg hiding int the field

Me trying to be America's Next Top Model

It is now only 21 days until I leave my family and 24 days until I leave Norway. I am looking forward to being back in the US, but then I don't really want to leave Norway either.

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