Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sailing on a Viking Ship

On Saturday I went with Emma, the Canadian exchange student, and her host family on a sailing trip. We sailed on an old Viking  boat. We didn't really sail that far, but we stopped on a little island in the middle of the fjord and had a picnic there and went swimming and (tried) to tan. Actually, Emma and I laid out in the sun for over an hour, trying to tan, but no. I did not tan, of course I didn't tan. But the worst part is, I didn't even burn. That is a big thanks to my high SPF sunscreen and the not, so strong Norwegian sun.

Me and Emma....Straight from the hood!

My first swim in Summer in Norway!
My first bath was in February!!

Emma and I created a fort so we could have shade on the boat...

Emma's little host sister...

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