Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 27, 2013

Preparing for the Journey Home... :-(

As you know we got the notification from AFS about the last camp. And as you also know I am not particularly looking forward to leaving Norway. And as you probably have guessed, I have bought a crap load of things in Norway and not all of them will fit in one suitcase that can't exceed 20 kilos...
So, on Saturday I sent home two packages of clothes and things. It was rather expensive, but so is everything else in Norway. Then, today I walked down to the mall and bought another giant suitcase that I can check. Because thank the heavens that Iceland Air allows two checked bags for the flight from Norway to New York. But, the suitcases were more expensive than I thought they would be. I guess I should have figured they would be pretty expensive. I was lucky in that a giant suitcase that was hard-sided and light-weight was on sale. It was originally 1700 kroner ($290), but it was 50% off, so I only had to pay 850 kroner ($145). And I was ever so happy because that was the last one they had of that suitcase and I would have no chance of finding anything cheaper than that. Then I walked my suitcase home, and if people didn't know already that I was the exchange student, they know now after hearing an extremely loud rolling noise going along the street accompanied with some bangs (when the suitcase fell over once) that I was the proud new owner of a suitcase And by putting two-and-two together, I bet they figured it out. Or the just thought I was strange because I did get some pretty funny looks on my walk home from the mall.
My new baby!

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