Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 27, 2013

Summer is here!!

Finally we have gotten some warm weather! Last weekend on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday it was 25-30 degrees Celsius, which is 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, it was that warm in Norway. Apparently, this year in Norway we were having an unusually cold spring. I thought it was completely normal because I had never been in Norway where it was over 13 degrees Celsius (55 degrees Fahrenheit). So last weekend I went for a run, went for a walk, rode my bike, went to a friends house and sat outside, ate dinner outside, and had all the windows open in the house. It seemed like everyone was trying to thaw from the winter.
On a walk with Nezzoz and Solveig

On a walk

View from the top of Preståsen



On the top of Preståsen

Tired after half the walk

Bike ride in the forest

Bike ride

On a bike ride over a bridge

Then it rained for three days, but it's okay because we had school and had to sit inside anyway. Then on Saturday it was warm again, 25 degrees. I went in to town and mailed two packages home. Then I met Solveig in town to get an ice cream and we ate it by the water. Then on Sunday it was 30 degrees. So I went on a bike ride with Emma in the forest. We got a little lost, so we went a LONG way! We made all the way to the next town over. Then we biked back to her house and went swimming in the pool that was set up in her backyard, we didn't swim for very long, but it was refreshing.
Then, today, Monday, it rained again....
A sunburnt  me after a long bike ride...

View from the patio (I figured out how to use the panorama function)

On a bike ride

The sky at 9 PM

On the bike ride..

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