Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 27, 2013

Preparing for the Journey Home... :-(

As you know we got the notification from AFS about the last camp. And as you also know I am not particularly looking forward to leaving Norway. And as you probably have guessed, I have bought a crap load of things in Norway and not all of them will fit in one suitcase that can't exceed 20 kilos...
So, on Saturday I sent home two packages of clothes and things. It was rather expensive, but so is everything else in Norway. Then, today I walked down to the mall and bought another giant suitcase that I can check. Because thank the heavens that Iceland Air allows two checked bags for the flight from Norway to New York. But, the suitcases were more expensive than I thought they would be. I guess I should have figured they would be pretty expensive. I was lucky in that a giant suitcase that was hard-sided and light-weight was on sale. It was originally 1700 kroner ($290), but it was 50% off, so I only had to pay 850 kroner ($145). And I was ever so happy because that was the last one they had of that suitcase and I would have no chance of finding anything cheaper than that. Then I walked my suitcase home, and if people didn't know already that I was the exchange student, they know now after hearing an extremely loud rolling noise going along the street accompanied with some bangs (when the suitcase fell over once) that I was the proud new owner of a suitcase And by putting two-and-two together, I bet they figured it out. Or the just thought I was strange because I did get some pretty funny looks on my walk home from the mall.
My new baby!

Summer is here!!

Finally we have gotten some warm weather! Last weekend on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday it was 25-30 degrees Celsius, which is 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, it was that warm in Norway. Apparently, this year in Norway we were having an unusually cold spring. I thought it was completely normal because I had never been in Norway where it was over 13 degrees Celsius (55 degrees Fahrenheit). So last weekend I went for a run, went for a walk, rode my bike, went to a friends house and sat outside, ate dinner outside, and had all the windows open in the house. It seemed like everyone was trying to thaw from the winter.
On a walk with Nezzoz and Solveig

On a walk

View from the top of Preståsen



On the top of Preståsen

Tired after half the walk

Bike ride in the forest

Bike ride

On a bike ride over a bridge

Then it rained for three days, but it's okay because we had school and had to sit inside anyway. Then on Saturday it was warm again, 25 degrees. I went in to town and mailed two packages home. Then I met Solveig in town to get an ice cream and we ate it by the water. Then on Sunday it was 30 degrees. So I went on a bike ride with Emma in the forest. We got a little lost, so we went a LONG way! We made all the way to the next town over. Then we biked back to her house and went swimming in the pool that was set up in her backyard, we didn't swim for very long, but it was refreshing.
Then, today, Monday, it rained again....
A sunburnt  me after a long bike ride...

View from the patio (I figured out how to use the panorama function)

On a bike ride

The sky at 9 PM

On the bike ride..

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fourth Times the Charm!

I made it in the Norwegian newspaper for the fourth time this week! Now I really am famous in Norway. This makes it once in the national newspaper and three times in the local newspaper. Today, I even went to the post office to send home two packages and the lady working the counter recognized me and told me to have a nice trip home and if I enjoyed Norway. So, I am being recognized!!! :-)

This was the third time I was in the newspaper. It was on the first page and basically it just said that they wanted more host families in this area. Then, they told a little bit about me and about my host family and they had a picture of me and of my host parents.

This was the fourth time that I was in the newspaper. I was interviewed last week. She asked me about my family at home, my family here, the food, the culture, and basically what I thought of life here. Then she took a picture of me and then the story was in the newspaper on Thursday.
It was in the section called "Dagens Navn", which translates to "The Day's Name". They have one person in this section everyday, it is so everyone in town can see what everyone else does. The title of this article is "Utveklingsstudent fra USA", which you could probably guess means "Exchange Student from USA".

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hipp Hipp Hurra!!

The 17th of May is Norway's National Day. It was extremely fun to be a part of, but it was celebrated nothing like the 4th of July in the USA.
What happened:
Well, there was a marching band that walked around the city between 6 AM to 8 AM to wake everyone up. Then, at 8 AM I woke up and started getting ready. For the 17th of May everyone dresses very nice, and the Norwegians where their national costume, the bunad. But, I did not have a bunad, so I wore a blue dress (the colors of Norway are red, white, and blue). Then, at 9:30 my friend Malin came and picked me up so we could go down to the city for the Barnetoget, or Children's Parade. We got down to the city about 15 minutes before the parade started, then we watched the first part of the parade. This parade was with all the schools in Sandefjord. After the first half we walked down to the back of the parade. There we met up with some classmates. I decided to walk in the parade with Sandefjord Videregånde Skole (that is the school I attend) and Malin just wanted to watch the parade. We walked around the streets in the downtown part of the city. It was fun, because as we walked people waved their flags and yelled "hurra!" to the people they knew.
After the parade I met back up with Malin and we walked over to the park. At the park there was a stage set up where they had speeches and sang the national anthem.

After the speeches we went with her family to her grandparents house. There, we ate sausages, mashed potatoes, and cake and coffee. Apparently, that is very traditional food for the 17th of May. After being with her family, we then drove back to the city. There we bought shave ice and met up with some friends. We then went to the carnival that was set up in town. It wasn't very big, but there were some things to do. It was extremely expensive: 50 kroner ($10) for one ride and the biggest ride was 100 kroner ($20). That, I thought was insane. I didn't go on any of the rides, but we watched as some of our friends went on the ride. After the carnival we walked to Brygga, where we got ice cream. That was good :). Then, after we sat, talked, and ate our ice cream we walked back to the city center to get our spot to watch the Borgetoget, which was a parade with all of the clubs and activities in Sandefjord. My dance studio danced in the parade and my choir sang in the parade, but I just wanted to watch the parade because there was a lot of funny things to see. All of the clubs were dressed up and did what they do in the parade. For example the tennis club played tennis, the dance studio danced, the choirs sang, and the swim club had on their swimsuits.

At the end of the parade was the Russ (the graduating class). But in Norway, they have no formal graduation, it is basically a month long party before the exams and then school is done. They wear ugly red pants and hats that look like train conductor hats. They have to wear their pants everyday for almost a full month, from the beginning of Russetiden which this year was April 19th and Russetiden is done on May 17th. I think it is a very strange tradition, but it is a tradition none the less. Some of the Russ, buy and decorate party busses and others buy and decorate cars. Then, they just party and drink a lot and spend a lot of money on alcohol, clothes that they will never wear again, and busses/cars that they will never use again.

After the Borgetoget I met up with Solveig and we walked around the town a little bit. We ate sausage and mashed potatoes (me for the second time that day). Then we met up with Marethe and went to the carnival. We went on one ride, it just spun a lot, but it was fun. Then we went to the Brygga and ate more ice cream.

Then, afterwards my host dad picked me up (and thank goodness, my feet were killing me after walking so much in my fancy shoes). Then when I got home I ate some krunnsikake and tiramisu ice cream while I watched TV with my family. Then, I went to sleep and was dead at midnight.