Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, March 31, 2013

My English......

My English is getting worse and worse. It may not seem like it through these blog posts, but keep in mind that I have time to write these and a spell checker. As my Norwegian gets better my English gets worse. It is hard for me to speak English for long periods of time now. Even when I was Skypeing my sister for a matter of 10 minutes I managed to begin to speak Norwegian, until she told me she had absolutely no idea what I was saying. I would not say I am fluent in Norwegian, but I can manage to communicate. I speak almost only Norwegian now, with some English words or phrases thrown in when I have no idea what something is in Norwegian. Also, when speaking to the Canadian exchange student when I say one thing in Norwegian it is hard to automatically go back to English, so I begin to speak Norwegian with her and she just looks at me and says "I don't understand..." For instance when I say a town name in Norwegian, i begin to think in Norwegian and speak in Norwegian. Now just about everyone in Norway can speak Norwegian (obviously), but when I am talking to someone that can't it makes it very difficult. But, now I kind of get a view of what I was like when I first came, when I understood absolutely nothing. I am so glad I understand almost everything now... :-)

I did have my first dream in Norwegian last night! I was so excited. I didn't realize that it was actually in Norwegian until 2 hours later when I thought back on it. It was not a very interesting dream, it was just about  art class and school, but I spoke Norwegian in my dream. It was the best day of my life!!!

Me on a walk, looking over the Sandefjord Fjord. A view I will never get sick of.

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