Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Norsk Presentasjonen

In Norwegian Class we were assigned to make a Norwegian presentation. It was about elements of nonfiction. Mine and my partner were assigned the task of a newspaper article. We had to explain the function of a newspaper article, how a newspaper article is usually set up and what are the main parts, and then we had to show an example.

I made the majority of the PowerPoint. Which I am still not sure if everything was spelled properly. Anyway, we had our presentation last Thursday. It was my first time having a presentation in Norwegian. I had a lot of notes because it is nearly impossible for me to memorize five minutes of what I should say about a topic that I maybe couldn't even speak for five minutes about in English.

I usually like oral presentations because it gives you a chance to present your idea and what you were thinking, not just what you were able to write down and say in a PowerPoint or an essay. But, that is in English.

But, for the presentation my partner and I got a 4! That is the equivalent to about an 83%, or a B!!! I was so excited! Who knew I was so good in Norwegian... :-)


  1. Replies
    1. A "Karakter" (not krakter, or crater) is the Norwegian word for grade.
