Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Spanish in Norway

I am learning a foreign language in a foreign language! Every time I am in class I feel like I am cross eyed for the whole hour and a half. It is impossible, mentally, to learn two languages at the same time. The Spanish here is really easy, and if it was taught in English I would have nearly no problem. In the US, it would be equivalent to Spanish I. Reading is fine, because I just need to understand what it says. But, speaking is a whole different problem. Right now my brain is tuned to learn Norwegian. So I am thinking mostly in Enligsh and occasionally in Norwegian, then when I have to speak Spanish I try to speak and it comes out Norwegian  Then, I try again and the first sentence comes out Spanish and the next comes out Norwegian. I have to concentrate and try so hard to speak any Spanish.

Learning Spanish in Norwegian is humanly impossible!

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