Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 1, 2012


Hallo! Jeg heter Rebecca. (Hello! My name is Rebecca). I am from El Segundo, California and I am a sophomore at El Segundo High School. I am planning on studying abroad for my junior year with AFS Intercultural Programs. I have received a host family on March 28th and I will be living in Sandefjord, Norway.

A little bit about me. I am 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. I play fast pitch softball both on my high school team and on a travel team. I love to learn new things and History and Spanish are my favorite subjects. I love to travel both domestically and abroad. I was looking for something for me to be able to meet new people and get a new perspective on life when I found AFS.

On my exchange I am looking forward to learning Norwegian and experiencing a new culture. I am even looking forward to the snow! Having lived in southern California my whole life,  my longest experience with snow is about six hours. I can't wait to get immersed in the country and make friends from around the world. I arrive in Norway on August 24, 2012.

I am extremely fortunate for being able to study abroad in high school. This is a great opportunity to not only learn about others and their culture, but also learn about myself. Everyone who I have talked with that went on an exchange said it was the best year of their life and they wouldn't trade it for anything. I hope my year will be like that. Studying abroad will be a fantastic experience.

I will keep posting throughout my year in Norway, so keep reading. Takk! (Thank you!)

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