Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Min første gang i Oslo

On Saturday I took the two hour train ride in to Oslo. I was going into Oslo to see the city because I have never been there before and also to see Jenny. Last year, my family was a host family for a nice Norwegian exchange student named Jenny. She lived with us for a year in El Segundo, California. She is now back in Norway, living in Oslo and in her last year of videregånde skole (equivalent to US high school). It was very sad to say good bye to her when she left the United States and our family, but it was nice to see her and her family again after almost 6 months. It was also nice that she lives in Oslo because I kind of got an inside tour of Oslo, not just all the tourist sights. We actually didn't go to that many tourist places. I took the 8:30 AM train into Oslo and got there about 10:30 AM. We then went to see The Scream painting in one of Oslo's art museums. Then we walked around the city a little bit and saw the royal palace, the parliament building, and the city hall. Net we went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Then we took the bus to the museum of modern art. After that we got Italian ice cream (YUM!). Then we took the bus back to the main road and went shopping. I finished almost all of my Christmas shopping that day :). Then we walked back to her house. There I met her family again and had dinner. One of her friends also came over and ate with us. It was very cozy and nice. It was great to see all of them again. Hopefully next time I go visit I will be able to speak Norwegian with them. I spoke a little bit of Norwegian with them this time, but not a lot. My Norwegian is getting better, but it is still not good. I can read more then I can understand of talking, and I can understand more than I can speak. It is really hard for me to formulate sentences and think of all the words and the order they are supposed to go in. So, my favorite word is "Ja", which means yes.

Me with a royal guard at the palace.

Me in front of the royal palace.

Me in front of the opera buliding.

Me inside of the opera building.

Jenny's family and I at her house. :-)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Høsten i Norge (The Autumn in Norway)

This is the letter I wrote to AFS about my autumn in Norway. I tried not use a translator to see how much I knew. My host parents helped me a bit with some words that I had absolutely no idea about. This letter is probably filled with errors, but I tried my hardest and it is good. AFS asked us to send them a letter about our autumn in Norway and what is new and different and if we think anything is strange, so I told them how it was. If you don't speak Norwegian you can just copy it into a translator if you want to know what it is saying :)

Høsten i Norge
av Rebecca Pedersen fra USA

Denne høsten har være interessant. Jeg har oppleve ting dat jeg har ikke oppleve i mitt liv. Min vertsfamilien ønsker meg å experience mange tradisjonal norsk ting. Jeg har prøve tradisjonal norsk mat som fiskeboller, fårkål, fiskecaker, shøtekaker, pølse, lefse, elg, og reinsdyr. Når min familien forteller meg dat jeg spiste reinsdyr, jeg følte som jeg spiste Julnisse. Mensker har spise mange brød. Brød for frokøst. Brød for lunsj. Ikke brød for middag, vi har poteter. Hvis du liker ikke brød, fisk, eller poteter du skal ikke kom til Norge!

Jeg gå seiling med min vertsfar og en hund i fjorden. Også vi gå på en hyttetur i Fagerfjell. Det var gøy. Dar jeg prøvd vaffler. Vaffler er veldig godt. Også, vi spiste sjokolade på topp av et fjell. Min vertsmor lærer meg hvordan å strikke. Jeg er nesten ferdig med min første skjerf.

Min vertsfamilien og meg se på Alt for Norge. Jeg er fra USA og det er gøy å se amerikansk på norsk telvisjon. Mensker i Norge så på amerikansk nyheter mer enn americansk gjøre. Jeg vet mer om presidentvalget og Hurricane Sandy enn min familien i USA gjøre.

Det er kaldt i Norge! Et varmt dag er 7 grader og et kaldt dag er under null. Jeg er fra Los Angeles og jeg burukte å tenke et varmt dag var 35 grader og et kaldt dag var 5 grader. Jeg kjopter min første par av vinter sko to uker siden og var i snø for første timen en uke siden.

Med venner jeg gå for kaffe eller gå å kina å se et film eller gå å gym eller gå kjoper. Alt er dyrt! Norge er dyrt. Jeg skal aldri tenke anyting er dyrt igjen.

Norge er full av nytt ting og jeg elsker Norge.  

Min klasse (my class)

Meg på topp av fjell (me on top of a montain)

På tur med hund (on a walk with the dog)

På tur med Nezzoz (on a walk with Nezzoz)

Spise marshmallows med min søster og en venn (eating marshmallows with my sister and a friend)

Min første snø! (My first snow)

Seiling med min vertsfar (sailing with my host father)